Invasive Species Clearing House

Invasive Species Clearing House

The McDowell Sonoran Conservancy is a partner in the Central Arizona Conservation Alliance’s (CAZCA) efforts to implement a Regional Open Space Strategy. Goal 2: Sustain and Restore is to identify and engage best practices in land management and restoration to sustain and enhance native biodiversity, positive recreational experiences, and socio-economic benefits connected with the Sonoran Desert. We built this invasive species clearinghouse to centralize important management resources, meeting the objective 2.6.5 of this goal. The clearinghouse is focused on priority invasive species identified by managers in the region. For each invasive species, you will find information about that plant species and effective techniques for removal. If you can’t find what you need in this clearinghouse or have suggestions, please contact


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The threats to our natural world have never been greater. It is only with the support of dedicated Arizona conservationists that we can protect the Sonoran Desert for future generations.

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