• Name the Conservancy as a beneficiary in a will or living trust.
• Name the Conservancy as the beneficiary of a paid life insurance policy or individual
retirement account (IRA).
• Paid on Death beneficiary designation on bank accounts and Charitable Beneficiary Deeds.
• Make a gift of cash or appreciated securities to establish a charitable gift annuity.
Just a few words in your will or trust is all that is needed. The official language of McDowell Sonoran Conservancy is:
“I give, bequeath (written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property) to the McDowell Sonoran Conservancy, for general purposes or for the purpose of (Specific request).”
To designate McDowell Sonoran Conservancy as a beneficiary of an asset, please reference the following information:
Legal name: McDowell Sonoran Conservancy
Address: 15300 North 90th Street, Suite 400 Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Federal Tax ID number: 86-0674350