Board of Directors

The McDowell Sonoran Conservancy is led by a volunteer Board of Directors, a small staff, and steward leaders.

Our work is implemented by hundreds of volunteers who help to provide public access to the Preserve, protect the Preserve through research and stewardship and increase the community’s understanding and appreciation of the Preserve through educational programs and community events.

Mark Winkleman
Board Chair
MGS Realty Partners

Carrie Ulvestad
Board Vice Chair
Ulvestad Consulting Group

Benjamin L. Tate
Board Treasurer
Withey Morris, PLC


Board Secretary

Melissa Barker
VP Practice Development
Duffy Group, Inc.

Travis Childs
Audit Partner
Deloitte & Touche, LLP

Karen Churchard
Director, Tourism & Events
City of Scottsdale

Mike D'Andrea
Vice President
GCON, Inc.

Diane Enos

Melissa Guardaro
Assistant Research Professor
Arizona State University, School of Sustainability

Bill Hahn
Real Estate Consultant and Investor (Retired)

Peter Hathaway
Finance Expert

Eric Leshinskie
Scottsdale Community College

Frank Pugh
Finance, Risk Management & Insurance Professional (Retired)

Mike Roberts
Former Technology Executive

Amrita Sahasrabudhe
Marketing Consulting Independent

Mike Savastio
Client Director
IMIMOBILE (Webex by Cisco)

Peter Schlosser
VP/Vice Provost
Arizona State University

Margie Traylor
Chief Executive Officer Audacious Studios

Scott Weiss
Corporate & Securities Attorney
Weiss Brown, PLLC

Melinda Xanthos
Managing Partner

20240710-DSCN5107_Won Fogel

John Zikias
Steward Core Leadership Team

Bernard Clark
Charles Schwab

Todd Laporte

Tammy McLeod
Flinn Foundation

Mike Tully
Independent Board Advisor


Support the McDowell Sonoran Conservancy

The threats to our natural world have never been greater. It is only with the support of dedicated Arizona conservationists that we can protect the Sonoran Desert for future generations.

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